Contact us for silky smooth implementations of strong, stable digital marketing solutions. Based in Knysna and... working with clients everywhere in South Africa and beyond!
Operating since 1989, the Website Silk brand was developed in 2016 by Ronel Pieterse by consolidating diverse consulting services under one umbrella. You may have used Dolos Consulting, B&B Computing or Small Business Volution in the past.
With over 40 years of consulting experience between us, we're a small, sustainable team empowering business success. Connect with us to enjoy one free consultation, no strings attached. We may just relieve you of a to-do headache.
Website Silk owner, Ronel Pieterse, has 24 years corporate experience as IT Specialist and Business Manager at senior levels (finance, mining, IT, manufacturing & agriculture), a B.Com degree (Business Management & IT) and postgrad Business Management (Henley).
Having also developed 5 successful start-ups over the past 20 years (4 of which are still operational today), we empathise with the multi-tasking life of an entrepreneur!
Ronel helps business owners to grow their businesses via a sustainable competitive advantage in the Digital Marketing arena.
We're passionate about sustainability & green business principles, visible in how we run our office.
We are responsible, hard workers who prefer to connect 1:1. We choose to work for ourselves, in a sustainable natural setting.
We donate at least 10% of our time on research to source the latest, simplest solutions that we share on our blog. Our core team is small and we pull in long-trusted co-experts where needed on projects.
Our clients are great at what they do, they evolve and tend to seek authentic success in their lives and work. We work well with clients who like to co-create something meaningful that will make a difference to their clients too (talk about a leverage effect!)
Our success roadmap is carefully designed to digitally empower such entrepreneurs to succeed within the framework of their already full plates.
What are the main Services you Excel at?
We offer Business and Marketing Consulting in general, and specialise in Digital Marketing cornerstones like Website Development, Google Ads Campaigns & Growth tools like E-mail Marketing.
Do you only help clients in the Garden Route?
We want to help as many businesses succeed as possible, so we work with clients everywhere. We work remotely using Skype, e-mail etc. which helps keep costs down for our clients, reduces our eco-footprint and so reach more entrepreneurs. We can meet with you in person around Knysna as our availability allows, or if really required, we can travel to wherever you are, subject to travel being paid. Almost 70% of our clients, we've never met in person!
Can you help us get funding / start-up capital?
While we can help you refine a concept or to write a business plan for a new business, we are NOT equipped to help you fund your start-up. Various banking and government initiatives offer funding - IF your business idea is sound and well presented.
What Training or Courses do you offer?
Follow our Facebook Page or subscribe to our free informative newsletters to stay abreast of our educational Blog Posts.
Our information-filled course on Website Sourcing & Management for business owners (worth R800), is free to you if you do our short anonymous self-assessment.
I already have a website - how can I fix it?
We assist with maintenance of existing websites. If you have a little technical savvy, we can also teach you how to make basic changes to your website yourself. However, if your website is very poorly written, ineffective or using archaic methodology, we will decline or offer to custom-develop a professional website for you.
Why don't you work for a corporate where you'd earn a lot more?
Excellent question. Many CHOOSE entrepreneurship due to a clash of ethics & values; wanting to be self-determining; burning to develop a niche; not wanting to sit in traffic or time-wasting meetings; not wanting to report to someone else or wait on others for deliverables; or simply to work from home, or remotely, or in pj's. Guess how many of the above apply to us : )
I desperately need help but I'm too overwhelmed to fit in another appointment...
...and burning out will clear your calendar and undo all your hard work! We help in small manageable steps that will immediately relieve you of some to-do list tasks. Talk to us; a chat with a fellow-entrepreneur can often shift things.
Another Question?
Please connect for the fastest answers to your questions. We really enjoy hearing from you!