The internet has leveled the playing field and you need a digital marketing strategy to express your unique selling points (USP's) to stand out from the crowd. Strategic market positioning is critical if you want to survive in tough conditions peppered with competitors. Get clarity on exactly what you offer, how you are different from your competitors and your brand's archetypal personality, then a digital marketing strategy arises synergistically to attract the right clients to your professionally developed website. Similarly, it will help your Paid Search Campaigns to work even with a limited marketing budget.
Know thyself. Know thy product. Know thy market.
It is critical to know WHO will benefit most from using your product or service and HOW best you will help them to find and choose you.
Marketing Strategy - start with a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) and know your own personal strengths and passions.
Market Research - whether formal and exhaustive or low-key, keep it in writing to allow future comparison.
Target Market - brainstorm everyone that may benefit from what you offer, segment it into groups and define your Ideal Client.
Branding - beyond logo, fonts & brochure colours, it is a fundamental, archetypal, psychological message consistently conveyed.
Marketing Plan - this fleshes out the mix of the "6 P's" (Product, Price, People, Promotion, Place and Positioning). Pricing Strategy using value packages is our secret weapon ;)
Sales Funnel - know your sales techniques attuned to your target market; and focus on the moments-of-truth in your sales cycle to repel unwanted clients and attract the nice, paying ideal client you want.
Performance tracking - whether a formal set of graphs produced every quarter, or an informal peek at your conversion rate during month-end processing, assess whether you are targeting, reaching & converting your target market.
To win the digital wars, stress your distinctiveness. This is what creates ever-elusive Competitive Sustainable Advantage and successful Business Plans.
You cannot be all things to all people! Your unique strengths, brand archetype, unique selling propositions and niche services are what make you irresistable to the ideal client in your target market.
Your Unique Selling Points (USPs) are critical in differentiating you from your competitors.
This very simple market analysis example of a small town self-catering cottage market illlustrates how USP's can be developed. Do this for your market to spot differences that will MAKE YOU THINK.
Sample insights: Competitor A has higher occupancy and income despite fewer staff and laxer terms; high pricing isn't a barrier to guests; 1-nighters are also not allowed by Competitor C which performs best overall; Competitor B probably needs more staff (but we won't tell them). Does this client value high rating or high income more (and are they mutually exclusive)?
An integrated, synergistic, mutually re-inforcing Digital Marketing Engine is the implementation of your Marketing Strategy and USP's to get you ever-increasing results via ever-decreasing costs.
Build it one element at a time to unleash a brand beast your competitors simply cannot copy. It starts with a website as the stable, more passive marketing cornerstone that gives credibility, saves resources, acts as a research tool and brings you income if the content is optimised. Add on targeted Adwords to stimulate immediate business, or implement re-branding exponential growth strategies such as social media and e-mail marketing.
The objectives of Digital Marketing Engine include:
Sales and income - leads funnelled via a journey and call-to-action.
Cheapest conversion cost - growing a WIDER audience (traffic, likes, followers, pagerank) which you then NARROWLY target (Adwords, Facebook Ads), increases the probability of a client match.
Brand-building - a strong logo is recognised via multiple exposures on multiple platforms.
Loyalty and retention - reaching out, providing info & suggesting next steps helps existing clients choose you.
Authority - pace-setters attract a bigger audience.
Digital Marketing Engine components (clickable):
Let's distinguish you to get noticed in the digital arena with a digital marketing strategy that uses the best of what you are and offer, and connects you with clients who will thrill you. Our digital strategy consulting will put your business on an entirely new level. It starts with a Digital Marketing Engine as an Internet Strategy.
Be proudly different.